Hearing & Balance Doctors

Santa Clara, UT

Your Audiologists For Hearing & Balance Problems

Hearing loss may leave you feeling disconnected from family, friends, colleagues, and your community, but when it is left untreated, it leads to a greater risk of developing serious mental and physical health problems along with producing permanent, irreversible damage to your hearing. To avoid these negative consequences and continue living the independent and rewarding lifestyle you and your family value, your best course of action is early detection and treatment by a doctor of audiology.

Our Santa Clara, Utah doctors of audiology have the knowledge, equipment, and expertise necessary to identify hearing loss, tinnitus, balance disorders, and other aural problems. You can expect a broad range of hearing services, from hearing tests to customized hearing care and balance solutions, along with fitting you with hearing aids, from our team of hearing health experts. A full range of hearing aid cleaning, maintenance, repair, and technical support services are also available to local families in Santa Clara and surrounding communities.

If you, a spouse, grandparent, or parent no longer follows conversations without struggling or regularly experiences dizziness, it is time to get back to the quality of life you have gotten used to by seeking real solutions for your unique circumstances provided by someone who specializes in hearing and balance care.

Contact Details

1100 N Canyon View Dr, Ste G
(Shared office with Zion Eye Institute)
Santa Clara, UT 84765

Fax: (435) 688-2122

Opening Hours

Thursday’s(2nd & 4th): 9 am – 1 pm

Meet Your Hearing Care Experts

How Your Hearing Doctors & Balance Experts Can Help

audiologist conducts a comprehensive hearing assessment

Comprehensive Hearing Testing

Raising Awareness for The Importance of Regular Hearing Testing

Although hearing loss is the third most common physical health condition in the US, many people and their families are living with hearing loss without realizing it.

That’s because, much like aging, hearing loss happens so slowly and gradually that it’s unnoticeable day to day. The only difference is, unlike aging, you have no way to compare your hearing today to what it was like just a few years ago.

With hearing loss often being irreversible, if you or a loved one in your family has experienced any hearing challenges or has noticed that it’s a struggle to hear others when wearing a face mask, then it’s incredibly important to have a hearing assessment.


Prescription Hearing Aid Technology

Access to All Levels of Hearing Technology

Although hearing technology is only part of the puzzle of achieving better hearing, it’s the part that prevents many people from taking their first step. Unfortunately, many people have a memory of the large, clunky devices that their parents or grandparents may have worn.

However, the good news is that today’s technology is small, discreet, and incredibly powerful. In fact, many of our patients tell us that their friends, colleagues, and loved ones have never even noticed their devices.

With rechargeable batteries and Bluetooth connectivity, you can stream music, phone calls, and your television directly to your prescription hearing aids, ensuring that today’s technology doesn’t just amplify your hearing but also amplifies your and your family’s life.

audiologist conducts an examination on a patient

Balance Assessments

Utah and Nevada’s Team of Balance Doctors

You only realize how much you have taken your balance for granted when you first start to experience challenges. It can be scary, it impacts your confidence, and it can result in you fearing leaving your house.

With your inner ear being responsible for your balance, our team of doctors specializes in helping to discover the reasons that you’re facing challenges when finding solutions.

With many common reasons and other more complicated reasons behind your balance challenges, seeing a true expert that has helped thousands of local families with similar problems is incredibly important.

Request a Callback

With so many myths and misconceptions about hearing and balance, it can be confusing to know what to do and who to trust.

That’s why our team of award-winning doctors is here to help.

Simply complete this form and when available, a member of our team will call you for a friendly no-obligation conversation to answer your questions and discuss any challenges that you or a loved one may be having.

There is no such thing as a silly question; the only silly thing is not asking.

Don’t want to wait? Then why not call us at your nearest office

Hearing Health Resources

The support of a hearing care professional who knows how to help apply advanced technology to help you meet your better hearing goals is far more critical to your success.

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