Hearing & Balance Doctors
With so many different insurance plans and benefits, it can be confusing to know what you’re covered for and what you are not.
Don’t worry, you’re certainly not alone in that dilemma.
One of the most common questions that we receive is, “Does my insurance cover me for my hearing aids?”
But with each different insurance company covering slightly different options, it can be confusing knowing whether you’re covered for hearing aids or just a hearing test.
Not to forget, it can be extremely time-consuming working out the small print!
Jenna Burningham – Insurance Specialist
Ask Our Insurance Specialist To Check Your Coverage
Using our expertise and knowledge of the hearing healthcare industry, we’re able to contact your insurance company on your behalf, ask the right questions and discover exactly what you’re entitled to.
Simply complete the form on this page and we’ll take care of the rest.
We Have A Great Relationship With…
Premier Access-UT Children’s Health Insurance Program
PEBP: Public Employee Benefit Program
PEHP-Public Employees Health Plan