Every day, we have the pleasure of welcoming new patients and friends into our office. It is always nice to see new faces. These new faces often come with stories of an individual history of personal hearing problems and concerns.
I love hearing each story and customizing solutions to each patient’s hearing health care needs. While each patient is most certainly different, some stories and struggles are very similar.
The story that breaks my heart is the patient who purchased hearing aids somewhere else, several weeks, months, or even years ago, and they simply can’t stand wearing their new hearing aids.
They haven’t been able to enjoy the experience of better clarity and audibility because they were either:
1) Fit with the wrong hearing aid
2) Fit improperly with the right hearing aid
3) Don’t know how to wear or control their hearing aids properly
4) Are currently wearing a malfunctioning hearing aid
5) Were fit with old and outdated technology
Our clinic is different, in a good way.
We use state-of-the-art technology to test each patient’s ability to hear and process sound to ensure the correct hearing aid is selected.
Once selected, our doctors make sure the hearing aid is fit and working properly. We make it a goal that each one of our patients has realistic expectations of how their hearing aids will perform so they can adjust to hearing the sounds of life again.
In the first few months after a new hearing aid fit, we meet with our patients often to make sure their hearing aids are being worn, experiences are positive, and expectations are being met and exceeded.
Our patients enjoy their hearing experience because they love our service. We’re different, and our patients can hear the difference. I like the sound of that!
Schedule an Appointment
If you or a loved one would like to experience these differences, please call us today at (435) 688-8991 to schedule an appointment.