Our doctors of audiology are inviting you to try TWO uniquely different styles of open invisible hearing aids.
One type of invisible technology is designed to fit deep inside the ear canal, and the other is very small and fits behind the ear with a hair thin wire that connects to a tiny piece in the ear canal.
Benefits of Invisible Open Fit Hearing Aids:
- Very discreet, comfortable (true fit), and water-resistant
- Excellent feedback management (no whistling)
- Aggressive noise reduction for background noise
- Quick-acting digital signal processing for better sound clarity
- Wireless compatible (directly connects to TV, phone, computer, and loved ones)
Participants can choose to evaluate one or both of the open invisible hearing aids (each one for 7 days).
Both hearing aid styles were developed for the most challenging listening environments.
Hearing aids used in the comparison study will be available for purchase upon trial completion. You must qualify to be part of our study by August 31, 2013.
A hearing test and evaluation are required. Most insurances accepted. Call (435) 688-8991 today for details!
If we can help you realize greater benefit with these new technologies, we will BUY BACK your existing hearing aids. Only trust your ears to a doctor of audiology. We commit to providing you the highest hearing healthcare. Contact us here.