Hearing & Balance Doctors


Locations in Nevada:

Hearing & Balance Doctors in Henderson, NV

1742 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite 100
Henderson, NV 89012

Fax:(702) 896-1044
Your Audiologists For Hearing & Balance Disorders

340 Falcon Ridge Pkwy, Bldg 500
(Shared Office with FIT Physical Therapy)
Mesquite, NV 89027

Fax:(435) 688-2122
Las Vegas, NV Hearing & Balance Experts

7010 Smoke Ranch Rd,
Suite 120, Las Vegas, NV 89128

Fax:(702) 896-1044

Request a Callback

With so many myths and misconceptions about hearing and balance, it can be confusing to know what to do and who to trust.

That’s why our team of award-winning doctors is here to help.

Simply complete this form and when available, a member of our team will call you for a friendly no-obligation conversation to answer your questions and discuss any challenges that you or a loved one may be having.

There is no such thing as a silly question; the only silly thing is not asking.

Don’t want to wait? Then why not call us at your nearest office

Hearing Health Resources

The support of a hearing care professional who knows how to help apply advanced technology to help you meet your better hearing goals is far more critical to your success.

What Is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Hearing Aids?

The Machine Stops, written in 1909 by E.M. Forster was among the first of many...

4 Signs That You’re Ready for an Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid

When you first realize that you’re dealing with a hearing loss, it can be stressful...
Your hearing loss is more conspicuous than a hearing aid.

Do Hearing Aids Make You Look Old?

Do you remember the Pixar movie Up? Main character Carl Fredericksen wears a hearing aid...